What do we have here underneath all this dust? It looks like my very own personal public journal. Yes,I think that really is it.
I can not believe It has been almost seven moths since my last post. I suck.
The big news was Lauren Nicole Anderson had a very healthy normal birth on June 2, 2006. She is now almost six months old , and she makes me smile just thinking about her. LN.05, is an amazing little person, and she has brought a ton more joy into our lives than we ever expected.
Actually I suspect she would be my number one excuse for not writing; if I were to make an excuse. No, it is just that I have been lazy. So to help me stop being a bum, I am setting up a short term goal; to post something, anything, every day for the rest of this month. For me that will be huge step, but I think if I can get it through my head to do it everyday then it will be easier.
This post does not count as today’s thought. That will be coming up a bit later.