Time slips by so quickly. We are two months through 2010, and I am way overdue on an update. I don’t really have a topic, so just started typing.
I am still free from World of Warcraft, and thus taking the time to play a lot of other games. Some of the games I have played in the last two months include:
- Dragon Age (still working on)
- Mass Effect 2 (finished playthrough 1: thumbs up)
- Team Fortress 2 (having fun with some co-workers; such a great game to just pick up and play)
- Battle Star Galactica Board Game (Greatness in the form of a boardgame)
- D&D (yes face to face with other people)
- Dominion (I am still a noob at this card game, but I already love it)
- Everquest 2 (Yes an MMO I enjoy but am not addicted to)
- Allods Online (I want to play more, but for now I have only played a tiny bit, with my daughter)
- Borderlands (I <3 co-op mass killing of baddies with crazy weapons)
- A variety of Xbox and Iphone Demos
I am amazed at the variety of gaming I engage in when I am not addicted to an MMO. I think one of the neat things about that list is the fact that I do play EQ2, but just enough to enjoy it while not becoming obsessive. Looking ahead, I see Bioshock 2 and Final Fantasy 13 purchases both of which I am excited to play.
Next update I promise I will have a real topic, maybe something about DLC, DRM, Cash shops, subscription prices, or developer-community relations. Actually never mind,when I read blogs or listen to podcasts about all those topics I generally want to scream. So it’s probably not a good idea for me to write about them.