Mods for my trip back to Azeroth
I posted this list of addons I’m currently using over on G+, but I’m copying it over here to make sure I could easily find it in the future. If I remember, I’ll edit this post later with some screenshots highlight the various mods. _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay Atlas Atlas Loot Enhanced Auctioneer Bagnon Bartneder4 Bazooka and…
My return to WoW, the 2013 edition.
Night One Twenty Seven days ago, after a 28 month hiatus, I returned to the the World of Warcraft. Why return after so long? This was compelled due to memories coming back to me after several people I know had returned to it, and were talking about it.Since burning crusade I have played almost exclusively…
Weekend End
Dear blog, Things have been real busy, as usual, and have several things I have wanted to talk to you about and just have not made the time to. World of Warcraft Blues I’m not talking item color but how I have been feeling about the game. While I enjoyed the heck out of the…
2010 Holiday Gaming Update
Holiday Gaming Grab Over the holiday’s due to some great sales I acquired a few new (to me) games and I wanted to record their purchase: Fallout New Vegas $30 Steam Call of Duty: Black Ops $30 Amazon The Witcher $5 Steam Prince of Persia (2008) $5 Steam Battlefield Bad Company 2 $5 Steam Uncharted:…
I Approve Shattering Azeroth
As I do with most MMO discussions, I have strong opinions about the changed the Shattering of Azeroth wrought on quests. There have been several blog posts and twitter discussion about it and as usual I have not engaged in them. I don’t engage, because I can’t seem to be succinct or quick enough to…
Thought Collection: Blizzcon 2010
No I am not part of some secret plot to steal other people’s thoughts. I am in fact collecting several of my own thoughts on various topics and storing them away, for future reference. Expectations and Announcements I am sick of hearing about how dull this year’s con was simply because Blizzard did not use…
Bad vs Good Matchmaking
Hello again everyone. Its been a busy summer for me, I have made sure to keep some time to play games and I figure its time for another “what I’ve been playing” update. This time two games I’ve played approached a system in such strong opposite fashion that I’ve title my post around it. Matchmaking.…
Summer Highlights 1
The game industry as well as my family have had a busy summer so far. So much so, that I probably should have taken the time to compose posts about things as they were happening. *shrug* Oh well, this summary of thoughts will have to do. The List starts here: