Category: movies

  • Summer Highlights 1

    The game industry as well as my family have had a busy summer so far.  So much so, that I probably should have taken the time to compose posts about things as they were happening.   *shrug* Oh well, this summary of thoughts will have to do. The List starts here:

  • Yo Joe?

    I did see GI Joe, and I enjoyed it. Yes there was some bad CG. Yes the plot had insane holes. Yes there was several times where things simply did not make any sense. So how could I, particularly after complaining so much about Transformers 2, enjoy GI Joe?

  • Monday Madness

    There has been a lot of news the last few weeks, and most of it covered sufficently by the big sites, more “real” bloggers, and the twitterverse. Thus every time I have sat down to try and write a post I have stopped by thinking, “This has been talked about enough by others, and I […]

  • Some Movie Posters

    An old friend of mine has a new movie review based blog; Babble-on 5. Today he poster his top five movie posters, and while I think the five he picked are great there are several more I would have to consider for my list. I am sure given more time I could find many more. […]

  • Movie Watch

    Star Trek = Good. No, it was really good. So good I am trying to encourage everyone to go see it. Support this movie, because I want more of this Star Trekk and I want it soon. It was so entertaining in fact that it made me do a quick review of movies I have […]