Off the Cuff
I am not sure how I missed this when it was first posted, but I think everyone should read this article by “rabbit” over at Gamers with Jobs; A Sense of Place. Also, as you can probably tell from my recent posts, I am impressed by the job Turbine did with Lord of the Rings…
Monday Madness
After two weeks of sporadic playing of Lord of the Rings Online (lotro), I have begun calling it the “grown up” MMO; the adult to World of Warcraft’s teenager. This is because of three main things; requiring some work/thought from the player, the sense of mystery it retains, and the look and feel of the…
Reading List Realization
While looking at my own blog page I came to the realization that I have not yet read a book this year. That makes me cry a little inside. To encourage myself I am truncating the visible length off the 2008 list and starting a new 2009 list. Maybe seeing the blank list will prompt…
The Wednesday Wobble
Yes, I know its technically Thursday. QQ The Gamestop gift card I had burning a hole in my pocket finally got used when I picked up a copy of Dawn of War 2. I am a huge Warhammer 40k fan, and even with all the success Dawn of War 1 had, I only played a…
Sunday Evening Coffee
I have done several 25 man pugs runs of Nax, and while most have been fun they have all also been tedious in some way. The frustrations of getting stuck on a boss and having people not wanting to actually work at beating it, the spats over loot, the frustrations of getting everyone there, running…
WoW, sorry for my cold shoulder lately
For the last ten weeks or so I have been Raiding in WotLK with my priest. Working most of that time to get better gear and clear achievements, but I did spend a bit of time getting my hunter up to 75. Sadly at this point I am growing bored of the current content. I…
Lotro Session Three
Last night, or shall I say early this morning, I had another fun play session in Lord of the Rings Online. This time I was playing my new hunter a human female names Laurwynn. I went with human again for two reasons: First my daughter wanted “my girl” to look a bit like her. We…
Lord of the Rings Online: My second beginning.
This post was born when I realized my last post started in with my character at level 6, and did not talk at all about the processes to get there. When I first saw the thread on Quarter to Three, I got my client patched up. It took a while but was a painless process;…