Tag: MMO

  • The emblem issue arises again!

    Today brought with it the latest wow patch notes. Granted these are only patch notes for the test server and it is highly likely that they will change in some fashion. 3.2 offers a whole lot of neat little quality of life improvement, along with several nerfs; some that make me think I must not […]

  • Tuesday Tidbit

    Feeling Powerful Last night I decided to give one of my wow alts some attention. I had a level 5 Blood Elf Rogue sitting at Falconwing Square and I decided to load her up with bags, the Heirloom shoulders and Heirloom daggers (enchanted of course).  Over the course of the evening I played her […]

  • Questions about my gaming history

    Over the years when I have interviewed at game studios I almost always get asked a few questions that are used, I guess, to find out more about an applicants gaming history/passion.  For some reason these questions make me crazy, because they seem to me more like a question people would answer over coffee or […]

  • Friday Freakout

    City of Heroes Mission Architect Farming The CoH devs have decided to crack down on MA farming, specifically badge farming. To sum up their response; say bye bye to lots of current badges. My first gut reaction was, “ugh” removing content from a game = bad. Then I started to come around a bit. Only […]

  • Thurday Thoughts

    I am in a game funk; well I guess its more like an MMO funk. The other night I was starring at my computer’s desktop, trying to decide which icon to click and none of the MMO icons appealed to me. My thought process was something like: WoW? Nope. Other than raid night, I only […]

  • Sunday Drive

    A sad fact; I have not logged into the Lotro in almost 5 days. I say sad, because when I came back to the game I was so excited I was playing multiple characters at various times. Logging in several times a day, everyday. I knew when I started that it, even if I sometimes […]

  • Free Ride

    Free Realms I have not had a chance to explore all that this game has to offer, but I have played enough of it to tell that the name most definitely does not refer to the cost.  I would go so far as to say that for the target audience this game is not […]

  • Thursday Thoughts

    Today I saw a tweet from a friend of mine, @dlangar , asking the world, “*can* a dev or journalism site shape the attitude of it’s community, or past a certain point is it beyond its control?” I was behind on my internet reading and before I could even respond he had written a blog […]