Tag: MMO

  • Free Ride

    Yesterday I stumbled upon a FlyFF and Rappelz, both of which are several years old and yet for some crazy reason I downloaded them. Today after installation and account creation I played both for a very short bit, during which I took a few notes.

  • Quests Quests Quests

    I know lots of bloggers and wow fan sites have already discussed Jeff Kaplan’s GDC09 session about quests and quest design, but after reading several accounts I am compelled to make some comments of my own. First I strongly suggest you read some of the accounts; here are two WoWinsider , IGN The first thing […]

  • Comment on a simpler time

    I just read a post on Ixobelle’s blog that really struck a cord with me. Go read it…

  • Lotro Crafting Identifying Scholar and Jeweler components

    Since I have yet to actively work with scholar’s and jewelers I have had a bit of trouble identitfying which compents are used at which levels in those professions.  This lack of knowledge leads to confusion when trying to clean out my bags, so I did a bit of research today and put together […]

  • Lotro Crafting Trophy list part 2

    My lotro minstrel is into his 30’s I figured it was time to update my list of crafting trophy items. I is posted after the break and updated last on 03/30/09.   Do note that I do know I don’t have them all, and they are not sorted very well, so I am again […]

  • Weak thoughts from the week.

    I am still having trouble focusing on a single thought to bring to my blog, but I want to stay in the habit of writing something.  Thus after putting it off for a couple of days here are some more random thoughts from Me:

  • Monday Madness: mods & addons

    *sigh, rant on* Hello, I am an add-on addict. If a game allows modding of any sort, I seem drawn to them and in some cases find it hard to play the game with out them.  I have always thought games were made better or at least had their lifespans increased by allowing the […]

  • RoM: Magically delicious to play for free

    Today marked the official launch of Runes of Magic; a free to play MMO that looks a lot on the surface like World of Warcraft.  I am not about to start a debate about how good RoM is or how it compares to WoW, I am just saying the developers made it a point […]