Summer Highlights 1
The game industry as well as my family have had a busy summer so far. So much so, that I probably should have taken the time to compose posts about things as they were happening. *shrug* Oh well, this summary of thoughts will have to do. The List starts here:
Alpha Leaks + I’ve been Playing
I am back again, and with much less angst and apologies for my last post. All my old frustration has been washed away by last weeks big news. Cataclysm Alpha Leaks! If you don’t want spoilers for the next World of Warcraft expansion, you should be careful about traveling to some of the popular WoW…
I’ve Been Playin’
Welcome to another episode of “What I’ve been playing.” The last few weeks have been full of World of Warcraft goodness. Its been a lot of fun to be back in and chatting with old friends, and just enjoying the game. The key to this has been not raiding. Sure I would love to see…
Sunday Drive
I took a quick inventory of my entertainment activities in the last month and was a actually a bit surprised at what I have done. First, I played a month of retail Champions Online, I had fun but as I neared level 30 the game started to feel a bit stale. The worst part is…
Thursday Thoughts
I have had a bit of writers block this week, even though there has been plenty to chat about. I guess I just have not been able to gather any subset of my thoughts up into a cohesive chunk. So instead, since this is my blog and I can make up the rules, I am…