Month: April 2010

  • I’ve Been Playin’

    Welcome to another episode of “What I’ve been playing.” The last few weeks have been full of World of Warcraft goodness.  Its been a lot of fun to be back in and chatting with old friends, and just enjoying the game.  The key to this has been not raiding. Sure I would love to see […]

  • What I’ve Been Playing

    Last week our family had to face the death of our long time canine companion, and that event weighed me down a lot.  In response this week consisted of a bit less “playing” and a bit more sleeping, though here is my quick list of things I played last week. Everquest 2 I toyed around […]

  • Worth Repeating

    I read something on  Scott Kurtz’s PvP blog today that I feel is worth repeating.  It was in a post about his iPad impressions, and this section about how it works as a comic book reader struck me so much that I wanted to record and repeat it here.

  • What I’ve Been Playing

    This is my first new “What I’ve Been Playing” update. The first of I what I hope many regular updated, but we shall see. Everquest 2 While I have several characters on two accounts, I am still a very casual player.  I have one pair of characters, a conjurer and Templar, that I play most […]

  • Blogging Block

    Lately It’s been hard for me to actually finish a blog post. Here is what generally happens: I hear or read something that triggers a passionate response in me, or think of something really “smart” I want to record. I open notepad and jot down my a quick passionate comprehensible only to me thought. Then […]