Game Time
Game time in my house currently runs from about 10pm to 2am. I have set this time aside, and pretty much every night I enjoy some time playing. The only down side to this time window is the fact that I can not really play console games in all their glory, since I have to…
City guy.
I have know for most of my life that I am a city guy. Not really a “big city guy” but the moderate sized urban areas fit me a bit more than the no one (or nothing) for miles country. Today we took a trip out to my wife’s mother’s new place, they moved out…
What am I going to do with those?
I walked through my house yesterday, trying to imagine what things are going to be like a year from now when the number of residents here has increased by one. Our house has three bedrooms; my wife and I have the big one, the second is used as our computer room (really its my play…
The Flurry Axe
Not nearly as exciting as finding out that my wife is pregnant, but tonight I saw my second epic loot drop in WoW. The first were my gloves, Gloves of Holy Might, and tonight my regular gamming group found a Flurry Axe. Off a scorpid, no less. I think our warrior shed a tear of…
It is now offical. I alluded to it in my first post: I am going to be a daddy. My wife tested last friday, but I did not want to believe it until her doctor confirmed it for me. Now it is confirmed and I am bit crazy. Priase God!
Games. . .
I love games. Board games, card games, role play games, video games, computer games. Now I am not a big sports player, but I do enjoy watching a game hear or there. Over the course of these entries I am sure I will talk about games, probably to the point of making my self a…
Testing the waters.
*waves*Back again, this time to test updating from my office.My office has issues with the internet. I think certain people in a place of decision making, are afraid of the internet. Or at least allowing employess access to some of the internet’s features. This means when I have trouble accessing something, such as this blog,…
While I have before kept a diary, journal, or semi updated web page I finally decided to give blogging a chance. It seems strange to me that I did not jump into this much earlier. *shrug* Oh well. I have suddenly felt the need to not just chronicle thoughts, but to in a way speak…