Clean the Dust Off
What do we have here underneath all this dust? It looks like my very own personal public journal. Yes,I think that really is it. I can not believe It has been almost seven moths since my last post. I suck. The big news was Lauren Nicole Anderson had a very healthy normal birth on June…
Hiding from view
The sonogram yesterday went well. The baby’s heart looked to be developing well, and was pumping like mad. I was able to see leg, arm and backbones as well as the back of the head. It seems my little one was shy and decided not to show us her face. Already acting like me. 🙂…
That is my Baby
So in a few hours I will be in a room with my wife as we participate in our last regularly scheduled pre birth sonogram. As I wait and pray that everything with the baby looks ok, I try and imagine what life was like a hundred years ago. Fathers and mothers had so little…
Watching you
I am amazed at how technology can change culture so quickly. Example YouTube. High speed internet + video capture + teenagers/college kids = a whole new way to express your self. Amazing.
Call me Slacker
Funny, not only do I not regularly update, I do not even get around to posting entries that I have written. So call me slacker. March 15, 2006Yes, I have been a slacker and left this blog untouched for months upon months. For some reason I have never been able to keep a journal/diary in…
Hot work, games, tv, and tempatures
I really wish I could get myself to write entries more often, but it never seems a priority. Lots of stuff going on. We have been crunching (12 hour work days) for several weeks straight, and it looks like we are about to go gold. (edit: we went gold!) Then its right into patch work,…
Don’t Trust the Hard Drive or TV Producers
It is time again for me to record some thoughts, and I would apologize for the lack of updates; that is if I had promised any. First a warning:Your hard drive has no love for you. It will leave you with out warning, taking all your stuff with it. It has no heart. It does…
It’s time again for an update. I must apologize for not making updating more often; I am just not very good at remembering to take the time to write. Let me see, since my last update the biggest news was our family trip to the North. My wife and I accompanied my mother up to…